Date local singles in Loughborough
Free dating Loughborough
Mia 61 Hinckley

Happy single but think life would be so much better with a friend a buddy a lover Outdoors, travel, walks, waking up with someone. Life is so much better shared

Dating Loughborough

Find local singles in Loughborough, Leicestershire today

It’s hard enough finding time to look for a new relationship as it is. We know you don’t want to waste time on people you’re never likely to meet. That’s why we created Leicestershire Singles. We’re just for people in Leicestershire. Keeping things local, keeps things simple. No more messages from people across the country, just genuine people looking for a relationship. Sign in for free to check us out and see if Mr or Miss right is waiting for you!

Unlike some of the other high profile dating sites, Leicestershire Singles is focused on getting you in touch with people who are local to you. We don’t run a nationwide or international service because nothing is as off-putting as having to put up with a long distance relationship. There are plenty of people just down the road, so why look for someone on the other side of the country? Our WHO’S NEAR ME application will give you the information you need, when you need it.

You won’t find a mass of over-hyped glossy adverts or claims of millions of people, but you will find a personal service with round the clock support from our advisors. We’re ready to help you or just answer your questions whenever you need, and we verify every one of our members to make sure they’re authentic and based in Leicestershire.

We have all the features you would expect from a major online dating brand, secure website tested daily and a dedicated UK based support team.

  • Free to join
  • Search for other singles by postcode
  • Instant message other members
  • Make your own photo profile
  • Personality tests and star sign compatibility reports
Single men in Loughborough

Find you dream date today by signing up for free and searching thousands of local single girls looking for love.

Single women in Loughborough

Find a man to sweep you off your feet or just a friend to while away lonely nights with chatting online with the leading regional dating site in The UK, Leicestershire Singles.

If you are looking for love or maybe, just a new friend in Loughborough we’re sure Leicestershire Singles can help you find someone you can click with. Create your free photo profile righ now. We don't require credit card details for account activation like some sites. The free photo profile account gets you full access to search members and get a taste of the site. You can start adding to your profile or send messages to members you find interesting. It only takes about 30 seconds to sign up. Just use the quick, secure form at the top and we’ll set up your account straight away!